May 21, 2024 / by Rene / No Comments

BANANA: Bananas contain a lot of fiber which helps lower cholesterol and interferes with the daily absorption of cholesterol.

SALMON: Salmon contains Omega-3, which fights the plaques that build up in your arteries and also elevates the level of HDL (the good cholesterol).

SARDINES: Like salmon, sardines contain nutrients that protect your arteries.

OLIVE OIL: Olive oil contains antioxidants and monounsaturated fats that lower LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol). Remember, olive oil is for drizzling over food, and Extra Virgin Olive Oil is for cooking.

GARLIC: It can prevent the oxidation of LDL, which limits damage to our arteries.

SPINACH: Lutein is the nutrient in spinach that prevents cholesterol from accumulating in the arteries, and spinach also contains Vitamin E, which fights plaque build-up.

GRAPES: Like bananas, grapes contain a lot of fiber and have a component that lowers LDL and triglycerides.

DARK CHOCOLATE: In a group of people, the flavanols found in dark chocolate lowered LDL and blood pressure while also improving circulation to the brain and heart.

AVOCADO: The good fats (Essential Fatty Acids) in avocado help boost cholesterol that protects the arteries from the negative effects of bad cholesterol. It also contains beta-sitosterol, which helps reduce cholesterol from food.

EGGPLANT: Rich in anti-cholesterol fiber and contains nutrients that can lower LDL.